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Creative Process


Updated: May 1, 2021

What is a creative process? If you are an art student chances are that you will hear this term quite often. This video will help you understand what is a creative process and how you engage with it to create great art sketchbooks for your GCSE in Art & Design.

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What is the creative process and what does it really mean to have a creative process? If you are an art student chances are that you hear this term quite often.

The creative process refers to the journey that you go through from beginning to end to create a work of art! Artists don't really wake up one morning and get divine inspiration to create a masterpiece. On rare occasions maybe they do, but oftentimes they are engaged in a long process of searching, learning, experimenting, making studies, and reflecting. There are stages to the creative process and is not something that you can rush. In your GCSE studies, you are expected to engage in the creative process and develop many studies on themes. GCSE art is not about making perfect and completed art in each page. You need to get engaged with your theme for a period of time, search for stimuli to get ideas and find inspiration, make lots of drawings and develop ideas, then experiment and play around with materials and techniques, journal about it, plan and then perfect things into a final result. Make a note here that you are allowed to make mistakes, and you should make mistakes. The creative process is not about perfect results, but about learning and you should demonstrate that you are learning, that you change your mind as you go along and perfect things. So don't be afraid to show this in your art, and do not be tempted to tear off pages or erase mistakes, leave them, and then move on to a new page to create a better version of your idea. Show how you progress and be honest about it. Remember mistakes are ok!

The CREATIVE PROCESS is what leads to the FINAL ART PIECE, which is the END RESULT. Usually, artists' creative process is hidden, and we only see the final artwork, most probably in a gallery exhibition. In your case, you will create a final artwork, but it’s also very important that you develop studies and explore ideas for that final piece. In your GCSE studies you are being assessed on your creative process, not just the end result. So the creative process is extremely important and you need to show that in order to get a good mark.

I hope you found this helpful… Is there anything specific you want to ask me? Tell me about your questions or concerns, in the comments below. Also don’t forget to grab the guides at the link below and book for your first free trial for online tutoring.

· Click here to book your first FREE trial for 30 mins online tutoring with me.

· Download the guide ‘Quick Tips for GCSE in Art Students’, from the link below to help you prepare for your art studies.

· Do you want to excel in your GCSE in Art and create outstanding sketchbooks? Go ahead and check out my online course ‘GCSE in Art & Design made simple: The Complete Beginners’ Guide’ at

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